168 research outputs found

    Realistic, Extensible DNS and mDNS Models for INET/OMNeT++

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    The domain name system (DNS) is one of the core services in today's network structures. In local and ad-hoc networks DNS is often enhanced or replaced by mDNS. As of yet, no simulation models for DNS and mDNS have been developed for INET/OMNeT++. We introduce DNS and mDNS simulation models for OMNeT++, which allow researchers to easily prototype and evaluate extensions for these protocols. In addition, we present models for our own experimental extensions, namely Stateless DNS and Privacy-Enhanced mDNS, that are based on the aforementioned models. Using our models we were able to further improve the efficiency of our protocol extensions.Comment: Published in: A. F\"orster, C. Minkenberg, G. R. Herrera, M. Kirsche (Eds.), Proc. of the 2nd OMNeT++ Community Summit, IBM Research - Zurich, Switzerland, September 3-4, 201

    Reality-Check for DTN Routing Algorithms

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    Many applications of ad-hoc networks include in-termittent connectivity. Anyone wishing to implement routing into her delay-tolerant network can select from a wide variation of options, but the choice is hard, as there is no strong comparative evidence to the relative performance of the algorithms. Every paper uses a dif-ferent setting, mostly far from realistic. In our desire to improve the basis for decisions, we simulated a promis-ing selection of DTN routing algorithms in three vastly different scenarios, all based on publicly available real-world traces. Using our open-source DTN simulator, we compare and analyse 11 routing techniques, then provide explanations for the behaviour and give advice for choosing a suitable mechanism. To our own sur-prise, the results challenge the conventional wisdom gained from synthetic simulations and poses the ques-tion whether the world is ready for DTNs.

    OBIWAN - An Internet Protocol Router in Reconfigurable Hardware

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    The ongoing exponential increase of line speed in the Internet and combined with the uncountable requests for increased functionality of network devices presents a major challenge. These demands call for the use of reprogrammable hardware to provide the required flexible high-speed functionaltiy. The Field Programmable Port Extender (FPX) provides such an environment for development of networking components in reprogrammable hardware. We present the high-speed IP routing components in reprogrammable hardware. We present the high-speed IP routing module OBIWAN (Optimal Binary search IP lookup for Wide Area Networks) built on top of an IP processing framework

    Routing Table Compression Using Binary Tree Collapse

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    This paper describes an algorithm which can roughly halve the size of the current Internet routing tables. This algorithm is based on the radix trie representation of routing tables, which was firstly used in the BSD Unix distributions. The binary tree representation, which is a simplified case of radix tree, does well at showing the relationships among all routing table entries and provides us a way to build a collapse algorithm based on its internal structure. The binary tree collapse algorithm consists of three techniques, with the first two quite intuitive while the third is a bit more elaborate. All techniques used in this algorithm are discussed and their effects on reducing the size of the routing table are listed and compared

    Profile-Based Routing: A New Framework for MPLS Traffic Engineering

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    We present a new algorithm and framework for dynamic routing of bandwidth guaranteed flows. The problem is motivated by the need to dynamically set up bandwidth guaranteed paths in carrier and ISP networks. Traditional routing algorithms such as minimum hop routing or widest path routing do not take advantage of any knowledge about the traffic distribution or ingress-egress pairs, and therefore can often lead to severe network underutilization. Our work is inspired by the recently proposed minimum interference routing algorithm (MIRA) of Kodialam and Lakshman, but it improves on their approach in several ways. Our main idea is to use a traffic profile of the network, obtained by measurements or service level agreements (SLAs), as a rough predictor of the future traffic distribution. We use this profile to solve a multicommodity network flow problem, whose output is used both to guide our online path selection algorithm as well as impose admission control. The offline multicommodity solution seems very effective at distributing the routes and avoiding bottlenecks around hot spots. In particular, our algorithm can anticipate a flow\u27s blocking effect on groups of ingress-egress pairs, while MIRA only considers one ingress-egress pair at a time. Our simulation results show that the new algorithm outperforms shortest path, widest path, and minimum interference routing algorithms on several metrics, including the fraction of requests routed and the fraction of requested bandwidth routed. Finally, the framework is quite general and can be extended in numerous ways to accommodate a variety of traffic management priorities in the network

    Bloom Filters: One Size Fits All?

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    Abstract—Bloom filters impress by their sheer elegance and have become a widely and indiscriminately used tool in network applications, although, as we show, their performance can often be far from optimal. Notably in application areas where false negatives are tolerable, other techniques can clearly be better. We show that, at least for a specific area in the parameter space, Bloom filters are significantly outperformed even by a simple scheme. We show that many application areas where Bloom filters are deployed do not require the strong policy of no false negatives and sometimes even prefer false negatives. We analyze, through modelling, how far Bloom filters are from the optimal and then examine application specific issues in a distributed web caching scenario. We hope to open up and seed discussion towards domain-specific alternatives to Bloom filters while perhaps sparking ideas for a general-purpose alternative. I

    Replica Placement and Location using Distributed Hash Tables

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    Abstract—Interest in distributed storage is fueled by demand for reliability and resilience combined with decreasing hardware costs. Peer-to-peer storage networks based on distributed hash tables are attractive for their efficient use of resources and result-ing performance. The placement and subsequent efficient location of replicas in such systems remain open problems, especially (1) the requirement to update replicated content, (2) working in the absence of global information, and (3) determination of the locations in a dynamic system without introducing single points of failure. We present and evaluate a novel and versatile technique, replica enumeration, which allows for controlled replication and replica access. The possibility of enumerating and addressing individual replicas allows dynamic updates as well as superior performance without burdening the network with state informa-tion, yet taking advantage of locality information when available. We simulate, analyze, and prove properties of the system, and discuss some applications. I

    Distributed Systems Group Utilizing Cloud Storages for iSCSI: Is Security really expensive?

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    Cloud storage promises unlimited, flexible and cheap storages, including alltime availability and accessibility with the help of various technologies. Free-ofcharge offers for endusers allure customers the same way as professional, payas-you-go storages do. The delocalization of the data provokes security concerns especially regarding the confidentiality of the data. Even though encryption offers a straight-forward solution to this problem, the performance questions its applicability when it comes to the utilization of professional storage-approaches like iSCSI. In this white-paper, we propose a utilization of NoSQL-based cloudstorages like Amazon S3 or Microsoft Azure for iSCSI. We evaluate the costs of a direct, bucket-based encryption and show, that in complex systems like iSCSI, the distance to the cloud represents the bottleneck instead of the encryption. Performance-boosting techniques like prefetching and caching improve the access and result in no practical overhead within such an utilization. Based on our own developed fully Java-based iSCSI target (jSCSI) and jClouds, our prototype represents, to the best of our knowledge, the first, free available, cloud-deployable iSCSI

    P2P-RMI: Transparent Distribution of Remote Java Objects

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    ABSTRACT Java Remote Method Invocation (RMI) is a built-in and eas

    SARA-Service: Langzeitverfügbarkeit und Publikation von Softwareartefakten

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    Das SARA-Projekt (Software Archiving of Research Artefacts) hat das Ziel, einen neuen wissenschaftlichen Dienst zu entwickeln, mit dem Forschungsdaten und Software langfristig verfügbar gemacht und publiziert werden können. Die Posterpräsentation stellt Motivation, Zielsetzung sowie wichtige Kernelemente des SARA-Service vor. Im Zentrum der Darstellung steht der SARA-Service, der auf Git und den dort bereitgestellten Mechanismus zur Softwareversionierung aufbaut. Hierbei fungiert ein durch die Universität Konstanz bereitgestellter und zukünftig als Landesdienst betriebener GitLab-Server als Langzeitarchiv. Nutzer können hier ihre jeweiligen Versionsstände der Software zentral speichern. Die archivierten Versionen können mit dem SARA-Service zusätzlich in einem DSpace-Repositorium veröffentlicht werden. Der neue Service soll nach Ablauf der Evaluierungsphase grundsätzlich allen Fachdisziplinen zur Verfügung stehen